Motocaddy M7 Remote Electric Caddy

“Golf, a good walk spoiled.”

Whoever coined that phrase was definitely not walking with the Motocaddy M7. This powerful yet compact electric caddy makes any walk on the golf course a real treat, and you may even find yourself expending a few extra steps to go find that ball you sliced off the tee.

With a battery that will get you through multiple rounds and a seemingly endless catalog of accessories, any golfer will be thrilled to have this caddy carrying their clubs.

First Impressions

The cart arrives in a heavy box with a fully assembled unit inside. All you’ll need to do is charge the battery, attach the rear wheel and hit the links.

My first thoughts when pulling it out were “Wow, this unit is compact.” Folded up, the Motocaddy M7 has a profile smaller than any non-electric push cart I own, and with just 2 latches that need to be released it’s the simplest I’ve tested to date.

Weight and Size 

Weighing in at 31 pounds, the Motocaddy M7 is portable but not the lightest item to lift in or out of your trunk. The profile is a tiny 2ft x 1.5ft x 16in with the rear wheels folded in. You should not have any problems fitting this in the trunk next to your golf bag.

The battery is a big 28v unit that weighs 5 pounds on its own. I especially like where the battery is stored in the middle of the unit as it adds extra balance and weight leading to better stability. I will comment more on that later.

Size compared to Sun Mountain cart

Will My Bag Fit? 

The Motocaddy M7 will fit all sizes and shapes of bags including their own proprietary bag with EasiLock. Bags rest nice and high above the front wheel, and the bungie straps adjust to provide a tight, secure connection with the bag.

If you are looking for a new bag setup, read the bottom section on the Motocaddy bag I tried as I found it to be the perfect companion for this cart, especially with its EasiLock functionality. 

Out on the Course

After taking the M7 for a spin on the course, here are a handful of points I’d like to highlight:

  1. Stability – Having the battery centered in the unit provides a great experience using this cart on hills or uneven terrain. I can only recall 2 or 3 times the anti-tip wheel was needed at all during a round.
  2. Noise – The cart was quiet and I would never have to worry about disturbing my playing partners with noise. The remote made no beeps, as well, which is not the case for some units.
  3. Hills – The M7 climbs hills with no problems. Even with wet conditions, the traction from the wheels was superb. You can also pair this unit with “Hedgehog” wheels that will provide even greater traction. I will talk about those more later.
  4. Down Hill Control – The “DHC” on this unit is not something to overlook. Going down hills can sometimes be nerve-wracking with electric caddies, but the M7 maintained speed appropriately and slowed when needed. After watching it carefully the first few holes, I didn’t have to worry for the rest of the round.
  5. Manual Movement – You can adjust the cart or manually push it for short distances if you need to, but expect some resistance. The two independent motors that control the wheels prevent them from spinning freely.
  6. Remote – There is a compact wireless remote included with the cart. One of my favorite features is that the belt clip slides easily onto a latch on the top of the cart. There are times I don’t want the remote in my pocket or on my belt, so having a way to secure it nicely to the cart with a latch is useful. I sent the cart 40 yards or more down the fairway and never lost connection.
  7. Speed – There are two ways to control the speed: (1) A dial on the cart, or (2) With the remote. I found there to be plenty of power in the cart with the dual 230w motors and it should be able to keep up comfortably with any pace of walker. The built-in dial is a great feature and very smooth when it comes to determining speed.  
  8. Setup – I was able to set up and take down the cart in under 50 seconds. There are only 2 latches to secure, and by using the EasiLock system with the MotoCaddy bag there was only one strap to connect.
  9. Maneuverability – A tight turning radius and super responsive remote ensure that the M7 goes exactly where you want it. The front spinning wheel gives the cart a zero-turning radius for when you need to change direction. You are also able to maneuver the cart backwards, which is not common to all electric caddies.

How Long does it Last?

The 28-volt battery is reported to last about 36 holes, and upon testing this unit I found it to be the longest lasting battery I’ve used so far in an electric caddy. Playing 9 holes still showed the caddy at full power, and I would feel confident that I could make it two rounds with no worries.

As with other electric caddies you can also put the wheels in free spin mode, which will allow you to push the cart in the event you lose power while out on the course.

Stand-Out Features

Here are the features that I think differentiate the M7 from other carts:

  • Size – After folding the wheels, the profile of this cart ensures that it can fit in any car trunk. 
  • Setup – The two latches to set up the unit are quick and easy.
  • EasiLock– If you decide to pick up a MotoCaddy bag, the EasiLock connection on the base is quite nice and worked great on the course.
  • Accessories – There are so many great items that can be added to the cart: The following sometimes come bundled for free as part of specials MotoCaddy runs:
    • Water Bottle Holder 
    • Scorecard Holder
    • Umbrella Holder 
    • Phone / GPS Holder
  • MoreAccessories – purchase these to enhance your M7 experience:
    • Hedgehog Winter Wheels
    • USB HotMitts
Grip any terrain with Hedgehog wheels
Stay warm with USB powered HotMitts
  • Zero Turn Radius- The ability to quickly adjust the position of the cart is so nice out on the course. For some of the short pushes or tricky traverses, not having to use the motor is perfect. 
  • USB Power- Located right underneath the handles there is a convenient USB charging port. You can hook up any number of items you’d like to charge here, including your phone, GPS, remote or the heated handwarmers.
Accessory bundle

MotoCaddy Dry Series Bag 

Pairing nicely with the M7 is the Dry Series Bag. This rugged bag will stand up to any of the elements you dare to brave. It has plenty of pockets to fit all the balls you may or may not lose, clothing and other essentials.

One great feature of the MotoCaddy system is the EasiLock adapter. There are 2 pegs that can be attached to the bottom of your MotoCaddy bag which snap into place on the base of all their electric caddie models. You can then remove the bottom strap from the caddy and easily click your bag on and off without fear of it falling off. Watch the video below to see this demonstrated.

Most importantly, the Dry Series Bag also features an insulated pocket that fits a handful of beers and ice to keep cold for some of those less serious rounds of the summer. Priced at $329, it is on the more expensive side but this is a solid bag that you will I’m sure be quite happy with.

Setup and folding of the M7

Final Thoughts 

This is the Cadillac of electric caddies, and plenty of power, accessories galore and a compact size will leave you feeling satisfied with your purchase.

Currently priced around $1,500, it’s a significant investment but so are all electric caddies. I think you will love the quality and performance you get on the course with the M7, and having it carrying my clubs certainly has me wanting to walk more golf courses again.

You can purchase your own MotoCaddy M7 by clicking here

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2 thoughts on “Motocaddy M7 Remote Electric Caddy

  1. I have owned the Motocaddy M7 cart for just over a year. Really functional and a joy to own. I also have the Motocaddy Pro Series bag. It it nice and it clicks into the base – this is not a reason to get a Motocaddy bag – get a bag you really like – so many great options out there and you just use the lower elastic band on the bottom with a non-Motocaddy bag.
    One thing, you will attract a lot of attention – I call it the ‘old man magnet’ If you like to walk and can afford it – do yourself a favor and get an electric cart.

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